Do you believe in yourself?

Life is busy, life can seem overwhelming, life can seem so crazy that there is no time! But is that really true?

Yes, life is busy, but have you ever sat down and evaluated all the things that are making you so busy that you cannot do things for your health?

Health is one thing that you cannot buy, you cannot get back once it’s gone. So why is it put on the backburner so often? Why do people not put their health as a top priority?

We have sadly become programmed to think so many things come before health. Now don’t get me wrong, I realize that there is responsibility in life that must come first…our kids and taking care of all the things for them, our family and working to provide for our family. I am there with ya! But what other things are you putting ahead of cooking home cooked meals? What are you putting ahead of daily exercise? What are you putting ahead of praying and meditating?

If you do not make time for your health and the health of your family, you will regret it one day when you are diagnosed with a disease. Now I don’t say this to upset you, I say it out of sincere caring…to help you realize that health cannot be put on the backburner, it cannot be put off till later, and it cannot be bought!

So, the real question is…do you believe in yourself to make changes? Do you believe in yourself to stick to a certain food and lifestyle change?

I am here to tell you that you can make changes…you can feel amazing…you can stick to it! I have been there, I used to think I had no time, but in reality, I was wasting time on things that were not needed. I was making excuses. It is a hard truth to swallow, but once you come to this realization you will be ready to move forward!

Let’s talk about some excuses that we make to not put our health at top priority…

“I have to do XY & Z for work or I won’t get that promotion” (what is more important-your health or a promotion?)

“I have to catch up on my TV”

“I am just too tired at the end of the day”

“There’s just no time to cook” (yet you sit and scroll on your phone for hours)

There may be other excuses that you make, and I suggest sitting down and writing down all the things in your day to see where you are wasting time in your day. We all have time that we are not utilizing well, so see where yours is.

Next, do you have faith that you can make the changes? Or are there excuses about that too?

Excuses like…

“I could never cut carbs!”

“I need chocolate so I cannot stick to anything”

“Give up soda? Are you serious?”

“I just can’t cook”

“It hurts too much to exercise”

These are all excuses I have heard from people (and some I used to use myself!) Once you recognize that you are making the excuses, then you can be ready to throw them in the garbage and get moving

Ok, now that you have realized your excuse list, let’s get motivated!

Once you have the belief in yourself that you can change, now you have to do it! Make a list of all the things that you see as unhealthy in your life. Food, inactivity, stress, negative outlook, toxic products, not getting your labs and health markers checked, whatever it is…write it down. Once you make note of all these things, make another list of how you feel on an everyday basis. Tired, bloated, frustrated, stressed, pain, inability to sleep, skin issues, anxiety, whatever else you experience. Once you see this all written down and you have the belief that you can make changes, then it is time to put in the work.

The reason I share this and why I stress it to so many people is because as a nurse, I work with many chronically ill people every single day. Once people are diagnosed with some chronic like cancer, then they make changes. Which is good because you need to make changes to heal the body. But… one thing people wish is that they had made changes before they were diagnosed. So, this is why I share the importance of making changes before being diagnosed with anything. You have the power to change now! Make it a priority! Be an example for your family! Inspire others that they can do it too!

So what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Let’s do this! If you got this far and just do not know the steps to start making true health changes, email me…I would love to educate you, motivate you and get you started on your health journey the healthy way!

It is easy to make excuses on why you cannot do things…why you are too busy to take your health seriously. It is not always easy to make real changes…which is why so many people are looking for the quick fix. There is no quick fix, you have to make changes! Let’s do this!


The Healing Power of Bone Broth