Boost that beautiful Immune system

The Immune system is a beautiful thing that we all have been blessed with! So why do some people seem to get sick more than others? It is all about how we feed that beautiful immune system!

If you are eating junk, eating sugars and inflammatory foods, being sedentary, not getting in the sun and letting stress rule your life, then you are weakening your immune system.

So, let’s talk about the ways to boost that beautiful immune system.

First let’s talk about getting outside. When the weather starts to get cooler, we have a tendency to stay inside and stay toasty. The problem with this is that you are not getting much sun on your skin, and you are not breathing in clean air. For your body to produce a good amount of vitamin D-which boosts the immune system-you need to have the sun light hit your skin. You can and should supplement vitamin D, but there is nothing like the vitamin D that your own body makes!

Also, getting outside to breath fresh air is very important. When it gets colder, we obviously keep our windows closed to stay warm, but that is also keeping all the stagnant air and bacteria in the home as well. If you are always inside, you get no clean fresh air into your lungs.

So, what is the answer? Make an effort to go outside each day for at least 20 minutes and maybe take a walk. This way you get fresh air, sunlight and move that body!

This brings me to the next way to boost your immune system…movement!

If you are always inside and always sitting around, your whole body is suffering! Our bodies were meant to move. Activity moves your blood and stimulates your cells. Walking outside each day is a great way to get your body moving and boost that immune system! Weightlifting, yoga, Pilates, stretching, or any activity you enjoy is so important for your health.

Stress…did you know that not managing your stress weakens your immune system too? We cannot control the amount of stress that comes into our life all the time. We can control how we deal and manage that stress that comes our way.

When we have the tools to be able to manage stress, it greatly helps our whole physical body, including the immune system. When we do not use these tools, the stress builds up in our body, stresses our cells, and impacts our gut where our immune cells start. When we have a lot of stress that we are not managing, that is when we tend to get sick.

Tools for stress reduction…Meditation, prayer, breathing, breathing in essential oils, exercise, journaling, simply talking things out with your spouse or a friend, looking at your mindset, listening to music that calms your body and mind, or just taking a walk. These are very simple things that you can fit into any day. When you can do these things daily, it helps your emotions and your physical body.

The next big one…FOOD!!!!

So, if you follow me in any respect, you know I am all about the food! Organic food…clean food…no sugar…no seed oils…no refined carbohydrates… and yes…eat meat!!!

I know in today’s world, plant based is in commercials, on the news as healthy and pushed as healthy. The problem is that there is a lot of carbohydrates with plant-based meals. These carbohydrates turn to glucose in the body and increase inflammation. When inflammation is high in the body, your immune system is weakened.

Meat is very beneficial to your body… it is loaded with many vitamins and minerals! It is not inflammatory! It is delicious!

Sugar is toxic to each and every person and is added to so many things. Sugar weakens the immune system along with refined carbohydrates. Staying away from packaged food is a great way to ensure you're not eating toxic ingredients and sugar. If you do eat packaged foods, start reading ingredients. If there are 30 ingredients that you are unsure of what they are, put it down!

Seed oils are very inflammatory and weaken your immune system too! Read labels… stay away from canola oil, vegetable oils, grapeseed oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, soy oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil.

I could go on and on with foods that weaken the immune system, but sugar, refined carbohydrates and seed oils are huge culprits!

So, as you can see, there are so many factors that feed your immune system. There are more things that I have not talked about but that I go through with clients I work with. In today’s world, we tend to want a quick fix, take a pill because we are so busy. The problem with that is that we are not taking ourselves and our bodies seriously! We have one life, one body we have been blessed with. If we do not take it seriously, we are going to have a very short time on this earth!

You can make changes! You can eat clean and beautifully! You can live in a way that you feel amazing each day! I am here to guide you if you choose. You have to make the decision and put the work in. I am here to tell you that if you do…you will be so happy and feel amazing!

So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to boost that beautiful immune system you have been blessed with?


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