Choosing Health


Do you choose your health each day? When you are faced with cake or a savory piece of salmon, what do you truly choose? There are so many choices throughout the day, and sometimes we tend to pick the not so healthy choice because we deserve to indulge…or we are tired and think “what is one piece of cake really going to do?”.

Well, these choices impact our health each and every day! When choosing health you have to have the mindset to choose your health over that piece of cake.


Many of our choices can lead to long term health issues over time. Diabetes, cardiac issues, pain, arthritis, liver disease, kidney disease, digestive issues, cancer, depression…these can be avoided and helped with the choices you make. You are in control of how you live your life and what foods and drinks you are putting in your mouth. You…only you! You are in control of how often you are moving your body! Are you choosing to sit and watch more TV, or are you taking a walk, working in the garden or doing some yoga? Only you have the ability to make these choices for you!

Your mindset is everything when making these choices. If you have the mindset that one piece of cake won’t matter, or one more evening on the couch won’t matter, or one more beer won’t matter, then you are falling into the trap of not really putting your health first! That because you work hard that you deserve the cake/beer/not moving your body. This is you telling yourself these things!

So ask yourself right now…what matters to me? Is it indulging in the cake, beer or sitting around all day, knowing this is not healthy and will make you feel tired and low? Are you telling yourself that you deserve the cake because you have had a rough week and this is your prize? All of these things you tell yourself to justify not eating well are not supporting your body.

Are you ready to choose health? Are you ready to put yourself first so that you can live the longest, healthiest life to enjoy and be there for your family?


Are you ready? Ready to stop making excuses? Ready to put your health first? Ready to make your health a priority? You are worth putting the effort into! You can live a healthy life! You can feel amazing with making healthy choices and changing your lifestyle!

How do you start? Your mindset!

You have to talk to yourself and change any negative thoughts in your head telling you that you cannot do this! Your thoughts control everything…when you change your thoughts, you change your actions!

These are key things to tell yourself each day…

~I will feel great!

~I will have energy!

~I will heal my body!

~I will help prevent disease!

~I will choose my health for my loved ones!

~I will live a long healthy life by the choices I make!

~I will take care and cherish this body I have been blessed with!

~I will inspire others through my healthy choices!

~I will live the best life!

These things may sound corny at first, but when you tell yourself these things throughout your day, everyday, it changes your mindset. You will want to make those healthy choices every day because you are telling yourself all of these good things!

So choose your health! YOU are worth it!


Lifestyle… can it make a difference?


Mindful Breathing