Lifestyle… can it make a difference?

Let me paint a picture for you…. You wake up feeling tired. You went to bed late because you just could not wind down last night. You woke up numerous times during the night, couldn’t fall back asleep, grabbed your phone and scrolled until you felt tired again. Then when the alarm goes off, you drag yourself out of bed to start your day and your feeling awful! You run to the coffee pot and fill your mug numerous times. You are in a rush getting ready for your day, getting the kids ready to get to school, trying to make sure no one is late. You go to work feeling stressed, already thinking about when you get home, getting more stuff done and hopefully get some rest. You grab your phone many times during the day mindlessly scrolling. You do not go outside at all because you have so much to do and feel exhausted. 3pm hits and you hit a wall and think “I need to eat and have more caffeine, I’m ready for a nap!” You have hit the 3pm slump! Then you have to think about what is for dinner… you think “I am so beat and have nothing ready, let’s just get takeout!”. After you eat your take-out, kids do their homework, you are completely drained and cannot wait to sleep! You then sit and scroll through your phone, watch TV and fall asleep with the TV on and phone lying next to you! Does any of this sound familiar?

You are not alone if you have been feeling this way. Many Americans are walking around feeling this way thinking it is normal. I am here to tell you that it is not… but the good news is that it can change!

Our lifestyles now are all about getting done as much as we can in the smallest amount of time. We rush, we are on the go all of the time, and we are putting our health last. We eat fast, we eat quick meals (even if it’s not really food), and we sleep less because we are trying to cram more in. We are glued to our phones, exposed to EMF all the time, setting a bad example to our kids. This has become normal behavior. We have been programmed to believe that if we are not moving all of the time and not being productive in some way then we are lazy. The problem with this is that now more than ever, people are feeling worse than ever, have so many chronic diseases and are on so many medications… yet we keep doing the same things over and over.

We need to change… we can change!

If you are tired of living this way, make the commitment to change! Look at each aspect of your life and see what good behaviors and bad behaviors in your life are. When you write it down on paper and really look at it, you can pinpoint specific areas to work on. This can be a challenge and take some time. Once you commit to it though, you will be so happy.

The areas that can be creating this chaos in your body are food choices, movement, stress levels, sleep routine, EMF exposure, and toxic load (cleaners, personal care products, fragrance exposure, and so much more). This is a lot… I get it! I was in your shoes many years ago before I changed my whole lifestyle! It took time, but once I changed everything-including my mindset-I felt so much better!

So how does this sound… You wake up feeling amazing and full of energy. You cannot wait to jump out of bed and move your body, take a walk and do some yoga. You start your day eating a healthy breakfast to fuel your body. You plan your dinner so that everything is ready for when you get home from work. Everything goes smoothly to get everyone out the door, even if there are some snags, you look at the good side of things and do not let the craziness get to you. You go to work with a good attitude, give your co-workers compliments and get your work done with a good attitude. You have your healthy lunch outside (weather permitting) and sit in the sun. You come home, and still have energy because you had a good mindset and have supported your body! You have your healthy dinner that is easy to cook because you have your meat defrosted and all the ingredients ready to go. Then you have a calm relaxing evening reading, watching some TV with some blue light glasses, and going to bed. You get a great night sleep and wake up to another great day!

This may sound great and you're thinking there is no way I can do all that and feel great.

You can!!! If you cannot do it on your own because it is just too much and too overwhelming, that is when you reach out to me so that I can coach you and guide you through the process! My goal in what I do is to help as many people as possible get to that point in their lives that they feel amazing and get it all done!

The question is… Are you ready to make lifestyle changes to feel amazing???




Choosing Health