Everything Holistic RN

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How do I clean my home without chemicals?

When you think about cleaning your home, what comes to mind? Dusting, putting clutter away, laundry, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping and wiping everything down so germs are not lingering everywhere. What advertisements tell you to clean with is “antibacterial”, “disinfecting” or “clean fresh scent”. The problem is that these all have toxic ingredients that are damaging your health.

So how do you clean safely without putting your health and your family’s health at risk?

Lucky for you, I have clean and non-toxic ways to clean that disinfect that is safe for you and your family!

Laundry…toss all detergents with ingredients you cannot pronounce and fragrance! When you wash your clothes in these toxins, they are then sitting against the largest organ of your body-your skin- and getting into your bloodstream!

Things that are toxic in laundry detergent are SLS/SLES which is a foaming agent and can cause allergic reactions to the skin.

Then there is good old Formaldehyde…linked to cancer even at low levels as per the CDC!

Chlorine Bleach is in many laundry products and is linked to lung issues and is a skin irritant, linked to skin allergies.

Ammonia Sulfate, toxic to the lungs, eyes and skin.

Dioxane…a known carcinogen in many detergents!

Optical Brighteners are used in many detergents for stains, but they do not take out the stains, they coat the clothes with a chemical, so it does not look like there is a stain. While it does this…it also acts as an irritant to your eyes, skin and lungs!

Then there is good old fragrance…this should not be in any products! Fragrance is an ingredient in many products to “smell good”, yet there are over 100 ingredients in “fragrance” that cause cancer and allergies to the body, but they do not have to list them.

So, this is just one example of something that you may be using in your home that is making you and your family sick and you just don’t know!

Fabric Softener is even worse. I encourage you to find a cleaner way to wash your clothes.

My favorite laundry detergent is Thieves laundry detergent from Young Living. It is a concentrate, and it lasts my home of 4 for 4-5 months!

You can make your own laundry detergent too!

DIY Laundry Soap

-makes 5 gallons

-2 1/4 cup baking soda

-2 1/4 cup washing soda

-1 1/4 cup Dr Bronner’s unscented Castile soap

-5 gallons water

-40-60 drops Lavender essential oil

-40-50 drops Rosemary essential oil

-40 drops Lemon essential oil

-Boil 1 gallon of water in large pot, add baking soda and washing soda and stir until dissolved

-Pour this mixture into 5-gallon bucket or container, then fill this container with the rest of the water

-Mix in the Castile soap, add in the essential oils.

-You can store in store in laundry detergent containers that can be reused on amazon

This is an easy and cost-effective way to do your laundry without all the toxins!

Instead of fabric softener, use baking soda with drops of essential oils in your wash. This will give your clothes a boost and is non-toxic!

Get some wool dryer balls to throw in the dryer. Apply lavender and lemon essential oils to the dryer balls for freshness of your clothes.

How about cleaning and disinfecting your home? Yes…it can be done!

Many cleaning products and disinfectants contain toxic ingredients like ammonia, bleach, phthalates, glycol esters, formaldehyde and fragrance along with many others. These are linked to allergies, cancer and asthma. Antibacterial wipes, which so many people use daily, especially in the last couple of years, are very toxic. These get into your bloodstream when you are touching these wipes and breathing them in.

I personally have not used these cleaners since 2016. Now if I am around them, I feel ill!

What is a good way to clean and disinfect without these toxic products? I have 2 options that are easy and cost effective!

Option 1-Thieves cleaner. I have been using this in my home for almost 7 years! You use one capful and mix in a 16oz glass spray bottle of water and that is it! I also add essential oils to it so it smells even better! Some of my favorite combos to add are Lavender and peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus, Lemon and Peppermint, Purification, Christmas Spirit, and lately Orange, Cinnamon bark and vanilla.

For my shower and toilets, I sprinkle baking soda, then pour vinegar over it. This foams up and then I spray with thieves. The cleaning power is amazing!

Option 2-Mix 1 1/2 cups of water, 1/2 cup isopropyl alcohol, 1 tsp unscented castile soap and 30-40 drops of essential oils.

Combine in a glass spray bottle and you are good to go!

If you are using candles, plug ins and room sprays, throw them all out now! These all have carcinogens and those lovely synthetic fragrances that are creating chaos in your body!

What do you use instead? Diffuse essential oils! The absolute best is Young Living essential oils. I have used others in the past that have additives and they are not the same.

Fall is here…you can try this beautiful diffuser blend…

7 drops Orange

6 drops Cinnamon Bark

6 drops Vanilla

5 drops Clove

This is better than any synthetic candle you could have. Plus, it is much safer for you and your family. And no worries…safe around pets as well especially in a larger living space.

If you are interested in Young Living Thieves products or essential oils here is a link…

See this link in the original post

There are so many toxins lingering in the products you may be using. Do not beat yourself up if you are just learning this. These products are marketed in a way that make you think they are needed, and you think they are good for you and your home.

I shed light on this topic because it is a passion of mine to inform others of these things so that you can change and better your health. Your health is so important, and with all of the toxic ingredients in our food and products, it is very difficult. Why are these things that are known to be harmful to the human body aloud? Follow the money!!! This is why you must stand up and take control of your own life!

Make one change at a time…your body and mind will be grateful!